You've got questions. We've got answers.


Who is Celery Health designed for?

Celery Health is for women curious about their fertility reserve and overall reproductive health. Our accessible, easy-to-use platform was specifically designed with the modern woman in mind, empowering us to expand conception options at any age. It’s for women who want to take control of their fertility but don’t have hours to spend in clinics or access an in-person fertility specialist.

Please note that if you have documented fertility problems or previously consulted with a specialist, we may not be the best option for your needs, but we are always happy to guide you toward the best resources for your situation.


What is ovarian reserve?

Ovarian reserve refers to the quantity and quality of a woman's remaining eggs within her ovaries. It's one of several crucial aspects of assessing fertility potential. Think of it as an inventory check for your reproductive future.

While we may think we are 'too young' to think about our ovarian reserve in our 20s, the factors affecting yours may vary, impacting your egg quantity and quality more than you think. Understanding your ovarian reserve helps make informed decisions about family planning and fertility treatments. It's like having a snapshot of your reproductive health, guiding you on your journey towards parenthood.

By looking at your whole-body picture, we can reassure you and suggest simple lifestyle tweaks or whether you might need to consider alternatives—such as saving some eggs for later.


What is AMH?

AMH, or Anti-Müllerian hormone, is a hormone produced by cells in the ovaries. It plays a crucial role in female fertility and the menstrual cycle. AMH levels can be an indicator of a woman's ovarian reserve or the number of eggs remaining in the ovaries.

AMH levels naturally decline as a woman ages and are typically lower in women over 30. This is because a woman is born with a finite number of eggs, and the supply begins to deplete as she gets older. As such, low AMH levels may indicate a lower ovarian reserve and potentially lower fertility.

AMH levels can be tested with a blood test, and the results can provide useful information for women considering having children. For instance, if a woman has low AMH levels, it may be advisable to consider starting a family sooner rather than later.

It's important to note that AMH levels are just one factor to consider when evaluating fertility. That’s why Celery Health offers a complete perspective with our fertility assessment, including understanding your fertility goals before offering advice.


What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a method of retrieving, freezing, and storing healthy oocytes (eggs) from ovaries. When you’re ready to conceive, the eggs are thawed and fertilised with sperm before being transferred to the uterus. This is common for personal or professional preferences and medical situations (i.e., the need to undergo cancer treatment).

The upside to the process is that it ensures eggs can be 'frozen in time', meaning good quality eggs can be retrieved from a younger, healthy woman and kept for later use. Since the frozen eggs resist the natural ageing process of the woman’s eggs, this gives her the flexibility and freedom to get pregnant when she is ready to—even if that’s an entire decade later.

While not everyone is right for or needs to undergo egg freezing, it may be an important and relevant part of the equation for women who discover a low ovarian reserve or may be looking to conceive in the distant future. The best news? Egg freezing is now becoming much more accessible and affordable, so you can feel reassured about your future options when you are ready.

At Celery Health, we’ve brought together some of Australia’s best minds in the area of fertility and egg freezing. Our specialists are leaders in their field, leading with an incredibly warm and positive approach.


What is the fertility health assessment?

The fertility assessment is the foundation of our science-based approach. It starts by booking a call with a member of the Celery Health team, during which we work on understanding your medical history, age, and future fertility health goals. Based on this information, we request tailored bloodwork tests.

Using the results, our expert team develops a personalised, holistic health summary, providing you with a fertility status and the best options. This may include advice concerning options such as egg freezing or optimising fertility based on lifestyle and dietary changes. For many clients, the assessment reassures them about their results, alleviating any stress or anxiety they may have around their fertility future.


What is preconception and why does it matter?

Preconception, also known as the period of time before you conceive a baby, is the perfect phase for planning and optimising your ability to get pregnant. When it comes to preconception, it doesn't matter if you're planning on having children soon or in the distant future—it’s always a good time to start nurturing your egg health!

Having a holistic view of your health is an invaluable tool during preconception. Being aware of important underlying conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis, and hormonal imbalances is vital to ensure you are equipped with all the possible benefits. Correcting anaemia, thyroid problems, and gut and dietary concerns also helps ensure the building blocks for your future pregnancy are in place long before you embark on the journey.

Lifestyle factors, including poor diet, sleep and stress levels, can also impact your ability to conceive. Luckily, many of these factors are within your control—you can actively participate by making simple changes to your lifestyle.

Finally, preconception is not unique to women. Men also have a role in ensuring they are a good fertility fit!


Somebody told me I might have PCOS. Is this going to hinder my ability to fall pregnant?

Discovering you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a pivotal moment on your fertility journey. At Celery Health, we've teamed up with the country’s top PCOS and fertility experts who can provide you with the accurate diagnosis you need and kickstart the right treatment plan. If PCOS is in the picture, there might be some extra puzzle pieces to consider as you plan for your little one. But guess what? You've got more power than you think!

Luckily, the Celery Health team is here to empower you. We'll guide you in managing PCOS like a pro through tailored medical input, nutritional advice and lifestyle changes.


What are some lesser known fertility factors?

There's a whole world of fertility factors, including various medical and hereditary conditions. And, of course, we can't forget the significant role of male fertility, accounting for a solid 50% of the equation!

At Celery Health, we're not just here for those with ovaries. We're all about holistic care, which means taking care of men's health and recognising the unique fertility factors affecting them. Our health assessments extend to our male clients, whether focused on fertility or any other area like gut, sleep, or hormonal health. Reach out to us anytime for more details, and let's embark on your health journey together!


My GP told me just to ‘try’ for a few months? Is this enough? What can I do to help myself?

When you consult your GP for guidance on starting a family, one of the first pieces of advice typically revolves around timing. This is particularly relevant if you're in the appropriate age bracket and have discontinued contraception.

Even if you're taking the 'natural route' to conception, there are lifestyle adjustments worth exploring to enhance your chances. That's where our team at Celery Health comes in. We offer access to a cadre of experts ready to assist you in implementing these changes. Whether it's nutritional guidance, tailored exercise routines, stress-relief techniques, or even acupuncture, we've got your back.

Join the Celery Health community and take proactive steps toward achieving your family planning goals! Your journey starts here.

It's the perfect time to make friends with your fertility.

Learn more about the Fertility Health Assessment